Fulton Block Builder $1,000 Grants are Available for People Using the Historical Colors

Paint Fulton – Find Your Color provides Fulton residents with a selection of historic color schemes to use for painting their homes. Up to 50 possible combinations of colors are possible when using the 10 schemes. This year, Tina Eusepi, Fulton Block Builder Director, said the decision was made to increase the grant award from $500 to $1,000. “We are hoping that more people in the city will make use of the beautiful and historical combinations. Homeowners can fill out a simple application found on our website. Burke’s and Ace Hardware also have printed copies of the color schemes.”

A homeowner can combine the Paint Fulton Bonus with the FBB Block Challenge but is not required to be part of a block. Awardees will have a photo of their home featured on the Fulton Block Builders website and Facebook page.

For more information: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/find-your-color

Fulton Block Builders announces an increase in grants for using Paint Fulton Historical palettes.

Fulton Block Builder Neighborhood Group Receives Pride Grant to Assist All Saints Episcopal Church

Lee Webber, Fulton Block Builder participant, applied for a FBB Pride Grant to help the church refinish their exterior doors. “The church is a historical building and does so much good for the community,” Webber said. “Membership in All Saints may be small but are mighty in their contributions to the community. Every Tuesday, they feed the hungry. Last week alone, they served 156 meals. We wanted to ‘give back’.”

The FBB Pride Grant has helped the church with much needed repairs to their doors.  “Many of the doors are now refinished and absolutely beautiful, but there is more to do,” said Linda Eagan, FBB founder. “I’ve encouraged Lee to apply for another Pride Grant next year to finish the work. This church has been serving our community for nearly 200 years, we are thrilled to help with these needed repairs.”

 “The Fulton Block Builders Program is so important to Fulton’s revitalization efforts,” Father Mozeliak said, “and we are grateful to have this program in our community. We want to express our heartfelt thanks to Lee Webber and Fulton Block Builders for their support of the church.”

Father Mozeliak invites anyone seeking to find a church home that is welcoming, active, caring, and vibrant to join them on Sunday mornings at 9:00am.

Fulton Block Builder participants support All Saints Episcopal Church. From left to right are Father Leon Mozeliak, Lynne Mozeliak, Lynne Field, Jim Thomas, Nancy Thomas and Lee Webber.

Fulton Block Builders Seeking Volunteers for 2024

The Fulton Block Builder (FBB) program has many opportunities for people to serve their community. Now in its eighth year, with excitement and pride in the city growing, more neighborhood involvement is expected. Improvements are being made in every ward and many people are already contacting FBB volunteers requesting information to organize their block.

“FBB Volunteers do NOT need to live in the city, they just need to have a love for Fulton” said Tina Eusepi, FBB Director. “From the start of this program, I have been amazed by the community and businesses support. Every lofty goal we have set has been achieved and surpassed. I expect 2024 to continue in this manner and that’s why we are seeking more volunteers.”

Volunteers are needed for:

Community Ambassadors are the face of FBB in neighborhoods. Between January and April, Ambassadors work with the neighborhood blocks interested in submitting pre-applications and guide each to submit strong final applications. New Ambassadors will be paired with past Ambassadors throughout their first season.

Fundraising Committee- FBB has been fortunate to receive matching grants from the Shineman Foundation, but they require us to raise local funds. Volunteers on this committee help identify possible sponsors and contact corporations, businesses, individuals, banks, service groups, etc.  Fundraising takes place from January through April.

Community Events Committee- These volunteers work with local venues to prepare and organize FBB events in January, May and August.

Fulton Block Builders is proud to be a grassroots initiative. If you are interested in volunteering, contact FBB at fultonblockbuilders@gmail.com or call 315-529-9181.

Fulton Block Builders wants YOU to join this amazing group of volunteers.

Fulton Block Builders Enters a New Phase in 2024

Fulton Block Builders (FBB) was founded in 2017, when Linda Eagan noticed the changes that were occurring in Oswego as a result of a program called Oswego Renaissance Association (ORA). She reached out to the ORA Director, Paul Stewart, who shared the Healthy Neighborhood concepts. It made so much sense; Fulton too needed to find a way back from the decades of decline.

Fulton Block Builders was formed to revitalize neighborhoods, block by block, and inspire pride and community camaraderie. FBB provides small grants to groups of homeowners to help them restore, beautify, and ultimately transform their block. But it is not just about planting flowers, hanging a new storm door, or trimming the hedges. Residents play a role in the decision-making process, the planning, and the implementation of neighborhood projects. They must apply as a group, help one another with projects, and plan at least one celebratory event. As a result, Fulton has experienced substantial transformations.

It is not time for those transformations to stop, but it is time for a leadership change. In 2024, Linda will mentor Tina Eusepi in her new role as FBB Director. “I have truly enjoyed every aspect of FBB, from the amazing volunteers, the incredible community support, The changes throughout the city, block-by-block, the Richard S Shineman Foundation's belief and grant sponsorship, BUT most of all, watching our community come back to a sense of pride and civic engagement! I am so proud of everyone and everything we have accomplished,” said Eagan. “ Tina Eusepi will take over as the FBB Director. She is highly qualified, understands completely the Healthy Neighborhood approach and LOVES what has been accomplished and is eager to do more.  Tina was born and raised in Fulton, has been with FBB as a volunteer since its beginning, knows virtually everyone and can’t wait to get started.”

Tina responded with, "I am honored and excited by this opportunity to serve our community and our amazing volunteers as we enter the next phase of Fulton Block Builders.  Together, we will build on the positive changes happening in our neighborhoods and throughout the city."

IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2024 Fulton Block Builders

City Informational Wednesday January 10, 2024

Pre-Qualification Forms due by Monday, March 18, 2024

Final applications due by Monday, April 29, 2024

Awards announced Friday, May 17, 2024

Kick off Dinner for Sponsors and Awardees Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Summer Social- August 4, 2024

Improvement projects must be completed by October 31, 2024

Tina Eusepi, left works with Linda Eagan to take on the role of Fulton Block Builder Director

Fulton Block Builders to Hold Information Meeting On 2024 Block Challenge Program

Fulton Block Builders will  hold a community information session to answer questions about their 2024 application process on Wednesday January 10th at River Vista Conference Center, 810 South 1st Street, Fulton NY  at 6:00pm. There will be a short presentation on how the program works and plenty of time to get all your questions answered. Two thousand twenty-four is sure to be another amazing year for this program and FBB wants everyone to have a chance to become involved. Any block in the city can apply to the program and this year FBB has received additional funding to promote more east-side blocks to apply.

The FBB Block Challenge is a neighborhood revitalization program that encourages groups of neighbors to collaborate on exterior improvements to their properties, with the goal of building confidence in Fulton’s neighborhoods and inspire others to reinvest. Since FBB’s start in 2017, we have funded 1385 properties and participating FBB residents invested nearly 4 million dollars in their homes. Each participating property owner in a Challenge Block is eligible to receive a dollar-for-dollar match on exterior improvements up to $1,000.

Aside from matching grant funding, participating homeowners have access to discounts from sponsoring hardware stores and garden centers. There are also additional bonuses for corner properties, block leaders and for using the Historical Colors that can found on the Paint Fulton tab of the FBB website. FBB website: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/apply/

FBB Block applications are competitive s for strong block applications will be discussed at the information meeting. Snacks and drinks will be available.

IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2024 Fulton Block Builders

City Informational Wednesday January 10, 2024

Pre-Qualification Forms due by Monday, March 18, 2024

Final applications due by Monday, April 29, 2024

Awards announced Friday, May 17, 2024

Kick off Dinner for Sponsors and Awardees Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Summer Social- August 4, 2024

Improvement projects must be completed by October 31, 2024

Homeowners learn about the Fulton Block Builder program by attending a citywide information meeting. The next one will be held Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at River Vista Conference Center in Fulton.

Fulton Garden Club Receives AARP Community Challenge Grant

If you heard all the noise at the South First Street gazebo in Fulton the other morning, that was the Fulton Garden Club at work!

The Club worked with the city last year to identify garden areas to work on in conjunction with the City of Fulton - Parks & Recreation The gazebo area rose to the top of the list. So a few club members found the AARP Community Challenge grant application and applied.

Believe it or not we were one of only 310 grantees selected out of 3,600+ applications from across all 50 states, Washington D.C, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands!

With this quick-action grant we will be making improvements to the Fulton east side gazebo where Junes in Tunes are held as well as many other community events. We started by power washing the gazebo and grounds to ready the area for painting and planting.

Working on the project are Judy Tracy, Michael Peterson, Jim O'Brien and Deb Pelkey.

The Garden Club thanks Fulton Block Builders for submitting the grant on their behalf.

Fulton Block Builder Group Freshens Watertower Hill Sign

Fulton Block Builder Block Leader Cindy Trombly and her husband John jumped at FBB participant Lynne Leach's idea to freshen up the Watertower Hill sign, as they enter their neighborhood. They spoke with the owner, Larry Rowlee for permission before starting and when given the green light they made quick work of it. They painted the posts a blue that is very similar to the newly updated Welcome signs in the city and planted flowers. It looks GREAT! 

Fulton Block Builder Participant Thrilled with Project

Lynne Leach and her granddaughter Julianna Bidwell are thrilled with their Fulton Block Builder project this year. No more worrying if the stairs are safe and no more cats using the lower entry as a litter box! "We can't wait to paint the stairs next year, and are having a great time watching all of the improvements in our neighborhood," said Lynne. " Fulton Block Builders is making a big difference all over the city!"