Fulton City Council Learns about the Fulton Block Builder Program

On Tuesday March 4th the Fulton City Council heard a presentation about the Fulton Block Builder (FBB) program. Highlights included successful fundraising, community participation and partnerships with the city.

In 2024 Fulton Block Builders (FBB) awarded 197 Block Challenge, Paint Fulton and Pride Grants. Since its inception in 2017 FBB has awarded 1,583 grants. Awards were made to 22 blocks of neighbors in all Wards of the City of Fulton. For every one-dollar FBB awarded, homeowners spent 4.2 dollars, demonstrating the confidence that their investment will pay off. Participating FBB property owners have invested four and a half million dollars in exterior improvements in the past 8 years. Community support continued to exceed expectations. Thanks to local businesses, civic groups and individuals FBB raised $53,000 and received a Richard S Shineman Grant for $100,000. Notably the Foundation has been a consistent supporter contributing grants totaling $966,000 since 2017.

“The city’s support has significantly impacted FBB’s success. We ask that you continue that support by encouraging members of your Wards to apply by March 17th for this year’s grants, Thank You” concluded Tina Eusepi, FBB Administrative Director.

IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2025 Fulton Block Builders

Pre-Qualification Forms due by Monday, March 17, 2025

Final applications due by Monday, April 28, 2025

Awards announced Friday, May 16, 2025

Kick off Dinner for Sponsors and Awardees Wednesday, June 4th, 2025

Improvement projects must be completed by October 31, 2025

Alissa Viscome, Linda Eagan, Tina Eusepi and Shannon Sawyer share information about the Fulton Block Builder program with the Fulton City Council.

Fulton Block Builders Accepting Applications Through Monday March 17th

You’ve seen the improvements throughout the city and thought you would like to be a part of “that”! Well NOW is the time.

 Fulton Block Builders (FBB) invites ANY block in the city to apply for its 2025 Block Challenge, a program that offers matching funds to each participating homeowner for exterior home improvements. The program encourages and rewards neighborhood groups to work together and reinvest in their own community.  The Block Challenge Grant’s Applications must be submitted by Monday, March17.

 To complete the Application, city residents must first form a neighborhood cluster with 5 to 15 property owners in proximity. The group can include homeowners or landlords. The closer the clusters are grouped and the larger the number of participants, the more competitive the application becomes. In addition to the matching grant funding, participating homeowners have access to discounts from sponsoring hardware stores and garden centers. If you are interested in painting your house there is a separate “Paint Fulton” application

 Applications for the 2025 program can be found here: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/apply/ or call 315-529-9181

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/fultonblockbuilders

Fulton Block Builders to Hold Information Meeting On 2025 Block Challenge Program

Fulton Block Builders will  hold a community information session to answer questions about their 2025 application process on Wednesday January 22nd at River Vista Conference Center, 810 South 1st Street, Fulton NY  at 6:00pm. There will be a short presentation on how the program works and plenty of time to get all your questions answered. Two thousand twenty-five is sure to be another amazing year for this program and FBB wants everyone to have a chance to become involved. Any block in the city can apply to the program and, once again, FBB has received additional funding to promote more east-side blocks to apply. 

The FBB Block Challenge is a neighborhood revitalization program that encourages groups of neighbors to collaborate on exterior improvements to their properties, with the goal of building confidence in Fulton’s neighborhoods and inspiring others to reinvest. Since FBB’s start in 2017, we have funded 1583 properties and participating FBB residents invested nearly 4.2 million dollars in their homes. Each participating property owner in a Challenge Block is eligible to receive a dollar-for-dollar match on exterior improvements up to $1,000. 

Aside from matching grant funding, participating homeowners have access to discounts from sponsoring hardware stores and garden centers. There are also additional bonuses for corner properties, block leaders and for using the Historical Colors that can found on the Paint Fulton tab of the FBB website. FBB website: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/apply/

FBB Block applications are competitive – advice and suggestions for strong block applications will be discussed at the information meeting. Snacks and drinks will be available.

IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2025 Fulton Block Builders

        City Informational Wednesday January 22, 2025

Pre-Qualification Forms due by Monday, March 17, 2025

Final applications due by Monday, April 28, 2025

Awards announced Friday, May 16, 2025 

Kick off Dinner for Sponsors and Awardees Wednesday, June 4th, 2025

Improvement projects must be completed by October 31, 2025

This Thanksgiving, Futon Block Builder’s Take Time to say Thank you!

Fulton Block Builders (FBB) has just completed the 8th year of the program and would like to thank the city of Fulton and its residents for wholeheartedly embracing the Healthy Neighborhood concepts. The city has seen some spectacular transformative changes in the last 8 years, thanks to resident leadership! To say the FBB volunteers are proud is a massive understatement. We love this city we call home, and it is evident we are not alone. Not only have the neighbors led their blocks to new heights and visions; Pride Grants have brought cultural events, increased community spirit, fantastic additions to the neighborhoods and supported our churches as they serve so many. 

Highlights include increased community pride, reinvestment into our homes/neighborhoods which in turn creates more and more investment. This investment can be seen through individual home care, neighborhood gatherings, new volunteerism, more people stepping up to help in the city and even making the commitment to run for office. Elections are no longer stagnant, they are full of ideas, debates, and excellent choices for citizens to choose from. 

New groups have been stimulated by the successes of FBB: Fulton Porchfest, Fulton Garden Club, Fulton DRI, Fulton Special Events, Fulton Living History Tours, Reimagine Fulton, The Fulton Library Memoir Project and MANY partnerships with the City and FBB, “Ohhh what will the citizens of this great city think of next. Cannot wait… seriously I can’t wait” said Eusepi.

Along with Tina and Linda, FBB volunteers Kellie Niccoli, Mike Peterson, Tonya Crisafulli, Ann Casey, Allissa Viscome, Greg Bailey, Tracy Cavalier, Chris Weaver, Sharon Buske, Shannon Sawyer, Penny Halstead, Vicki Hohman, Karen Perwitz, and Joyce Garrett wish you the very best this Thanksgiving and thank you from the bottom of our collective hearts for your belief in the Fulton community!

Tina Eusepi, Fulton Block Builder (FBB) Director, Linda Eagan FBB Founder and all FBB Volunteers Wish Fulton Residents a Very Happy Thanksgiving.

Fulton Living History Tour Set for Sept. 20 at 11:00 and Sept. 21 at 1:00

The 2023 Living History Tour’s success proved to be more than an entertaining look back at Fulton’s past. It was also a catalyst that has inspired the city of Fulton to create a more complete and inclusive celebration of its notable history. After the Tour ended, the planning committee began brainstorming this expansion, inviting other community organizations to partner with them in this endeavor.

While the actual walking Tour will again take place on a main street bordering the Oswego River, the narration and performances will include 38 actors depicting scenes at former industries located throughout the city, churches that welcomed immigrants to our community, and cultural events that shaped Fulton’s uniqueness.

The expanded Tour will also offer opportunities for Fulton youth to gain an appreciation of their hometown’s history. The storywalk is being created by the library’s Teen Group. Junior high students in the district will be bused to the Tour, providing the inclusion of local history into their curriculum studies. A combined Junior- Senior High School jazz band will recreate music once performed by Fulton’s renowned drum & bugle corps. The 2024 Tours are sure to be a spectacular event in the city.

Members of the 2024 Fulton Living History Tour Planning Committee are hard at work. From left to right are Jim Farfaglia, Lori Blackburn, Karalyn Wyman, Marissa Hanlon, Tina Eusepi, Shannon Sawyer, Deverick Reidell, and Melanie Strong. Absent are Ann Casey and Linda


A message from Linda Eagan

It is with profound sadness that I share the passing of FBB’s mentor and patron, Barbara Shineman. Barbara peacefully passed this week surrounded by the love of her family. Since the start of our program Barbara was always ready to share her support, wisdom, and encouragement for the work of Fulton Block Builders. She truly believed in our philosophy and found great joy in our accomplishments.

Barbara will always be remembered for her compassion, outstanding guidance, love of her family and community, and her generosity. After the passing of her husband, Richard S. Shineman, Barbara dedicated herself to continuing his legacy of positive change and community development by establishing the Richard S. Shineman Foundation. Through her guidance, the Foundation’ vision as a transformative “Catalyst for Change,” has played a pivotal role in the creation of a vibrant Oswego County community.

Thanks to the Foundation, Fulton Block Builders was born, continues its work and shall forever be grateful. Since our start in 2017, the Foundation has awarded FBB over 850 thousand dollars, in turn, stimulating a 4-million-dollar investment by property owners in the City of Fulton.

Clearly, “Catalyst for Change” is far more than a tag line… it is how Barbara guided the Foundation Board in their work to bring Richard’s wishes to life. We are pleased to have known and worked with such a dynamic individual. We will miss her dearly and we will do our best to continue to make her proud.



Please refer to the Nelson Funeral Home website for details regarding services for Mrs. Shineman. 

Fulton Block Builders Accepting Applications for 2024 Block Challenge

Fulton Block Builders (FBB) has announced details for its 2024 Block Challenge, a program that offers matching funds to each participating homeowner for exterior home improvements. The program encourages and rewards neighborhood groups to work together and reinvest in their own community. Block Challenge Grant’s Pre-Applications must be submitted by March 17. The Pre-Application is required to submit a Final Application.


To complete the Pre-Application, city residents must form a neighborhood cluster with 5 to 15 property owners in proximity.  The closer the clusters are geographically linked and the larger the number of participants, the more competitive the application becomes. The cluster can include homeowners or landlords. Once a cluster has formed, the Pre-Application process begins.


Once submitted, the Pre-Application is reviewed, and applicants work with their FBB Ambassadors, who assist neighborhood teams, to start the Final Application. At this time, detailed plans for each home project and a joint meeting with the cluster’s neighbors are reviewed with an FBB representative. Final Applications are due April 29. An independent panel reviews them and awarded blocks are announced by May 17.

The matching grant funding will cover up to 50% of the expenses for exterior property improvements. Aside from matching grant funding, participating homeowners have access to discounts from sponsoring hardware stores and garden centers.


Grant Applications are competitive. Not all applications can be funded, and the number of awards made is dependent upon funding levels and the number and quality of applications.

IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2024 Fulton Block Builders:

●        Pre-Qualification Forms due by Monday, March 18. Required to submit a Final Application

●        Final applications due by Monday, April 29

●        Awards announced Friday, May 17

●        Kick off Dinner for Sponsors and Awardees June 5

●        FBB Summer Social August 1

●        Improvement projects must be completed by October 31


Pre-applications for the 2024 program can be found here: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/apply/ or call 315-529-9181

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/fultonblockbuilders

Fulton Block Builder Neighborhood Group Receives Pride Grant to Assist All Saints Episcopal Church

Lee Webber, Fulton Block Builder participant, applied for a FBB Pride Grant to help the church refinish their exterior doors. “The church is a historical building and does so much good for the community,” Webber said. “Membership in All Saints may be small but are mighty in their contributions to the community. Every Tuesday, they feed the hungry. Last week alone, they served 156 meals. We wanted to ‘give back’.”

The FBB Pride Grant has helped the church with much needed repairs to their doors.  “Many of the doors are now refinished and absolutely beautiful, but there is more to do,” said Linda Eagan, FBB founder. “I’ve encouraged Lee to apply for another Pride Grant next year to finish the work. This church has been serving our community for nearly 200 years, we are thrilled to help with these needed repairs.”

 “The Fulton Block Builders Program is so important to Fulton’s revitalization efforts,” Father Mozeliak said, “and we are grateful to have this program in our community. We want to express our heartfelt thanks to Lee Webber and Fulton Block Builders for their support of the church.”

Father Mozeliak invites anyone seeking to find a church home that is welcoming, active, caring, and vibrant to join them on Sunday mornings at 9:00am.

Fulton Block Builder participants support All Saints Episcopal Church. From left to right are Father Leon Mozeliak, Lynne Mozeliak, Lynne Field, Jim Thomas, Nancy Thomas and Lee Webber.