Fulton Block Builders has been receiving strong support from within the Fulton city limits. But for the second year in a row, business support has come from outside of the city with a donation from Sweet-Woods Memorial Co. in Phoenix. Dennis Goss, owner/operator of Sweet-Woods Memorial Co. in Phoenix is shown here presenting Linda Eagan with a check for the Fulton Block Builder project. “I am honored to support the Block Builder program. The work that this group has been able to accomplish is outstanding! I believe the potential for year two will far exceed the work that was done in the inaugural year. The city is lucky to have such a dedicated group of people volunteering for this program. I encourage businesses and individuals to learn all they can and support this momentum!” said Goss.
“Dennis is a strong advocate for the city and residents in Fulton. As a Rotarian he can be seen volunteering in Fulton Youth Soccer, Fulton YMCA, OCO Bowl-A-Thon, ARC of Oswego County, Fulton Public Library, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, Fulton Polish Home, Fulton American Legion, Literacy Volunteers, the Salvation Army and filling Blizzard Bags for shut-ins throughout Oswego County. Dennis is an excellent example of community activism, we can’t thank him enough for this support.” Eagan said.
The Pre-Application deadline is March 16th. It is very important for blocks to get organized and gather signatures from their neighbors. This first step does not commit a home owner - it simply states that they want to learn more. Block Builder Ambassadors will meet with each block that submits a pre-application to explain the fine details of the program. It is after that meeting that homeowners will decide if they want to submit a final application to be considered for a Block Challenge Award. Eagan did stress, however, that without the Pre-Application being submitted a block cannot submit a Final Application, so don’t let March 16th slip by. Learn more about FBB on the website: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/apply/ or follow them on Facebook.
Since 1932, Sweet-Woods Memorial Co. has provided thousands of families all over Central New York with premium quality memorials, bronze plaques, and mausoleums. With locations in Phoenix, Brewerton and Camillus, the business was founded with one philosophy in mind: to provide the best quality material and craftsmanship available, at a reasonable price.
IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2018 Fulton Block Builders:
- Friday, March 16, 2018 – Neighborhood Recruitment Forms (pre-applications) are due
- Wednesday, April 18, 2018 – Final applications are due
- Monday April 30, 2018 – Fundraising match for the Shineman grant must be raised
- Tuesday May 1, 2018 – FBB grant awardees announced & home improvements begin
- Wednesday October 31, 2018 – awardees must complete their work
Dennis Goss from Sweet-Woods Memorial Company in Phoenix, NY presents Linda Eagan with a check in support of the Fulton Block Builders