Fulton Block Builders announces the 2021 program new videos.
To kick off its fifth year, Fulton Block Builder (FBB) is releasing four short videos to replace the community informational session normally held in January. The 2-minute videos will answer your questions about the 2021 FBB’s multiple grant opportunities, the application processes and information on how the program works.
The three grant opportunities available for 2021 include the ever-popular Block Challenge Grants, Paint Fulton Grants and Pride Grants. Since it began in 2017, FBB has awarded 800 Block Challenge Grants that started a transformative revolution in the city. Block Challenge Grants are given to residents on neighborhood blocks who all commit to completing exterior improvements on their homes. Each resident works on their own home and once the work is completed and pictures and receipts are submitted, they are reimbursed by FBB for half the cost of the improvements, up to $1,000.
Neighborhood Pride Grants are ways for groups of neighbors to work together on a community project. The grants range from $100 to $3,000 and support projects and activities that sow the seeds of revitalization by engaging residents in the resurgence of their neighborhoods. Example Pride Grant projects include welcoming lamp lighting throughout the neighborhood, gateway signage greeting people to the area, and park adoptions.
Paint Fulton provides Fulton residents with a selection of historic color schemes to paint their homes. Up to 50 possible combinations of colors are possible when using the 10 schemes (See how on the FBB website). Only the colors within a single scheme can be used. Property owners do not have to use all of the colors in a scheme, but must use at least two out of the four available (body, trim, accent, bonus colors). Any homeowner in the city is eligible for grant awards that use these historic colors, regardless of the owner’s participation in a Block Challenge.
Aside from matching grant funding, participating homeowners have access to discounts from sponsoring hardware stores businesses and garden centers. To be sure, 2021 will be another amazing year for this program and FBB wants everyone to have a chance to become involved.
Tips for strong block applications can be found on the FBB website: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/apply/.
IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2021 Fulton Block Builders:
Pre-Qualification Forms due by Friday, March 5, 2021
Final applications due by Wednesday, April 14, 2021
$75,000 Fundraising goal by Friday April 30, 2021
Awards announced Saturday, May 1, 2021
Kick off Dinner for Sponsors and Awardees Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Improvement projects must be completed by Sunday, October 31st, 2021