The Fulton Block Builder (FBB) program has many opportunities for people to serve their community 2022 will be FBB’s sixth year and, with excitement and pride in the city growing, more neighborhood involvement is expected. Work is being done in every Ward and many people are already contacting FBB volunteers requesting information to organize their block for next year.
“FBB Volunteers do NOT need to live in the city, they just need to have a love for Fulton” said Linda Eagan, FBB Director. “From the start of this program I have been amazed by the community and businesses support. Every lofty goal we have set has been achieved and surpassed. I expect 2022 to continue in this manner and that’s why we are seeking more volunteers.”
Volunteers are needed for:
Community Ambassadors- These are the face of FBB in neighborhoods. Between January and April, Ambassadors work with the neighborhood blocks interested in submitting pre-applications and guide each to submit strong final applications. New Ambassadors will be paired with past Ambassadors throughout their first season.
Fundraising Committee- FBB has been fortunate to receive a matching grants from the Shineman Foundation, but they require us to raise local funds. Volunteers on this committee help identify possible sponsors and contact corporations, businesses, individuals, banks, service groups, etc. Fundraising takes place from January through April.
Community Event Committee- These volunteers work with local venues to prepare and organize two large events, one in January and the other is in May.
Data Entry Volunteers- FBB has databases to track the grant awards, work to be done, progress of each awardee and contact information. Volunteers are needed in April to input information from the applications into the database(s).
PR Volunteers- Throughout the year FBB makes a point of writing press releases to help keep the community informed. Volunteers are need all year for this
Financial Receipt Processors- From August through October, large numbers of receipts need to be reviewed, tallied, and processed for grant payment. Volunteers are needed to help with this process one or two days a week.
Fulton Block Builders is proud to be a grassroots initiative with no paid staff. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Linda Eagan at or call 315-529-9181.