The Fulton Block Builders (FBB) has announced details for the 2022 Block Challenge, a program that offers matching funds to each participating home for exterior home improvements. The program encourages and rewards neighborhood groups to work together in an effort to reinvest in their own neighborhood.
City residents who would like to participate in a Block Challenge need to have a Block Leader and form a neighborhood cluster with a minimum of 50% and a maximum of 15 property owners in their block. (A single property owner application will not be considered.) The closer clusters are grouped, the more viable the application becomes. The group can include homeowners or landlords.
Taking part in the Block Challenge begins with a Grant Pre-Application, which must be submitted by March 4, 2022. All interested neighbors sign the Pre-Application form. The Pre-Application does not commit anyone to the program but is required to submit a Final Application.
Once submitted, FBB Ambassadors—FBB leaders who help neighborhoods through the process— meet with the group to start the Final Application, which requires detailed plans for each homeowner project and a neighborhood celebratory event. Final Applications are due April 13, 2021. They are then reviewed by an independent review panel, and awarded blocks are announced by May 7, 2022.
Applications can be found on the FBB webpage
IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2022 Fulton Block Builders:
Pre-Qualification Forms due by Friday, March 4, 2022 (Required in order to submit a Final Application) Applications can be dropped off at 125 West Broadway OR directly to your Ambassador OR scanned and emailed to
Final applications due by Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Awards announced Saturday, May 7, 2022
Kick off Dinner for Sponsors and Awardees July (if possible)
Improvement projects must be completed by October 31, 2022
Shannon Sawyer’s block had a lot of fun and success with the 2021 Block Challenge. From Left to right, standing Mike Peterson-FBB Ambassador, Tony & Heidi Pafumi, Jeff & Vicki Hohman, Dennis Deland, Todd & Shannon Sawyer. Sitting LaVerne Deland, Gladys Daniels & Cindy Garrett.