Fulton Block Builders (FBB) notified 200 property owners in 23 distinct Blocks of their 2022 Awards. “This is truly another milestone for the FBB and the entire community of Fulton. FBB started in 2017 and to date, 1235 awards have been made. What’s more is that there has been a 3-million-dollar investment by residents in their properties. I’m sure we’ll see more exciting work this year” said Linda Eagan, FBB Director.
This is Patty Tyrell’s second year as a Block Leader. Not only did her group complete beautiful work on their properties, but they also cleaned up an abandoned property and took on maintenance of the “Welcome to Fulton” sign near them. All 2022 awardees have received their yard signs and Patty had some special help delivering them by Eloise Tyrell and Kiari Perkins. “The girls love to help any chance they get” said Tyrell.
The Fulton Block Builder project is dedicated to revitalizing our neighborhoods one block at a time. The core feature of this approach is to build on strengths rather than just fix weaknesses. Property owners working together in one block builds community and generates confidence. Pride is what comes through when mailboxes and house numbers shine, when lawns are mowed, snow is shoveled, and leaves are raked. Pride comes through in washed windows, fresh coats of paint, holiday lighting and landscaped yards. Pride is the name of the game. It is the essence of stability which in turn is the backbone of good schools, a strong tax base, a vibrant civic and cultural life, and a thriving downtown.
Now that the awards have been made for 2022, ANY Block in the city can begin organizing for 2023. There are Target Zones but that is a starting point ALL Blocks in the city can apply for a Block Grant and FBB Ambassadors are ready to help. Call (315) 529-9181 to learn HOW or find more information at: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/ or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pg/fultonblockbuilders/posts/?ref=page_internal
Fulton Block Leader Patty Tyrell has received some big help from two of our younger residents, Eloise Tyrell and Kiari Perkins