Fulton Block Builders (FBB) has just completed the 8th year of the program and would like to thank the city of Fulton and its residents for wholeheartedly embracing the Healthy Neighborhood concepts. The city has seen some spectacular transformative changes in the last 8 years, thanks to resident leadership! To say the FBB volunteers are proud is a massive understatement. We love this city we call home, and it is evident we are not alone. Not only have the neighbors led their blocks to new heights and visions; Pride Grants have brought cultural events, increased community spirit, fantastic additions to the neighborhoods and supported our churches as they serve so many.
Highlights include increased community pride, reinvestment into our homes/neighborhoods which in turn creates more and more investment. This investment can be seen through individual home care, neighborhood gatherings, new volunteerism, more people stepping up to help in the city and even making the commitment to run for office. Elections are no longer stagnant, they are full of ideas, debates, and excellent choices for citizens to choose from.
New groups have been stimulated by the successes of FBB: Fulton Porchfest, Fulton Garden Club, Fulton DRI, Fulton Special Events, Fulton Living History Tours, Reimagine Fulton, The Fulton Library Memoir Project and MANY partnerships with the City and FBB, “Ohhh what will the citizens of this great city think of next. Cannot wait… seriously I can’t wait” said Eusepi.
Along with Tina and Linda, FBB volunteers Kellie Niccoli, Mike Peterson, Tonya Crisafulli, Ann Casey, Allissa Viscome, Greg Bailey, Tracy Cavalier, Chris Weaver, Sharon Buske, Shannon Sawyer, Penny Halstead, Vicki Hohman, Karen Perwitz, and Joyce Garrett wish you the very best this Thanksgiving and thank you from the bottom of our collective hearts for your belief in the Fulton community!
Tina Eusepi, Fulton Block Builder (FBB) Director, Linda Eagan FBB Founder and all FBB Volunteers Wish Fulton Residents a Very Happy Thanksgiving.