Homeowners around the city of Fulton are taking advantage of the nice weather and getting to work on their house projects. Holly DeMar on Walradt Street, Vickie Smith on West 4th and Tamie Allen on West 3rd have all recently finished painting and improving their homes.
Demar Home Before
“I would like to say what a great experience this has been. I am overjoyed to have been able to paint my house. I have also enjoyed getting to know my neighbors better, even the ones not in our direct neighborhood. I thank the block builders for all their hard work on this!” said Holly DeMar. Holly took advantage of the Historical Color Schemes that have been prepared specifically for the city of Fulton by Architectural Historian, Susan Arena, who grew up in Fulton but now resides and works in the greater Boston area. Holly chose color scheme CR-1-1A (white heron/onyx) and received a bonus match from Fulton Block Builders (FBB) for doing so. More information on the historical colors can be found at: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/find-your-color/
Demar Home After
Demar Home After
Vickie Smith
“I have been wanting to paint my house since I bought it 8 years ago, but there was so much to do inside I never got to it. I am so happy to have it painted now and have been getting lots of compliments from my neighbors. We hired the work done but everyone in the family took part, even my beautiful grand-daughter Jocelyn Vasquez. Fulton Block Builders provides countless opportunities for neighbors and families to work together” Vickie Smith told this writer.
Tamie Allen heard about the Fulton Block Builder project at work when her employer Fulton Savings Bank committed $10,000.00 to the FBB project. “That really caught my attention”, she said “If the bank is this supportive of FBB I should learn as much as I can about it. So, I did and boy am I glad.” Tammy went on to say she hopes that more of her neighbors become involved next year. There are new people in the neighborhood and she thinks it would be a great way to get to know each other better. Thanks to FBB Tamie was able to replace dying shrubbery with colorful flowering perennials and bushes. She also replaced the broken front screen door. “These small changes make the whole house look so much neater” she said.