Meet Susan Arena - Press Release

Susan Arena Fulton Block Builders

The Fulton Block Builders are following the Healthy Neighborhood Community Revitalization Initiative. To achieve this, it is crucial that home improvement projects maintain the architectural character of the structure, neighborhood character, and historic character to ensure that investment adds value. 

To accomplish this, Fulton Block Builders is working with an Architectural Historian, Susan Arena, who grew up in Fulton but now resides and works in the greater Boston area. Susan went to Volney Elementary, Fulton Junior High and G. Ray Bodley until she graduated in 1999. During those years Susan was active in swimming, soccer, community outreach through a variety of clubs, her church, and with her friends and family. Susan is a steadfast friend and will quickly tell you that her best friends are also her family members. 

Following high school Susan attended Hobart and William Smith Colleges where she continued her community engagement and graduated with her Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Studies. She then went on to achieve a Master’s Degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Vermont.

Today Susan is an Architectural Historian and meets the Secretary of the Interior's professional qualification standards, in the areas of Architectural History and Historic Preservation. She has nearly a decade of related work experience, which has included completing National Register nominations, historic building assessments and surveys, and leading educational and outreach initiatives. Susan has just taken a new position as the Preservation Planner for the City of Worcester, Massachusetts.  

It is Susan’s love of history, her hometown and her keen sense of community that has led her to volunteer to put together historical paint palettes for homeowners in the city of Fulton to refer to. Residents will be incentivized to use the identified palettes by offering a bonus to residents that select from colors laid out in each palette.
Please join the Fulton Block Builders in extending our deepest gratitude to Susan Arena for her selfless donation to this exciting new project.