Fulton Block Challenge Grant Recipients Announced, Projects to Move Forward This Summer

By Tim Lyman news@fultonvalleynews.com

Fulton Block Builders reached a pivotal moment in its first year of operations this week: deciding which blocks will receive funding for the first-ever Fulton Block Challenge.

The block challenge is a grassroots program that incentivizes Fulton property owners to perform curb-appeal exterior renovations on their homes. FBB will match approximately half of the amount that these residents invest into such projects, with a maximum reimbursement of $1,000.

Of the 178 homes that originally applied for funding in the preliminary and final applications, 161 homes, or 22 blocks, are slated to receive funds from the organization.

Fulton Block Builders (FBB) Administrative Director Linda Eagan said that, as a result of the Block Challenge, neighbors who hadn’t spoken for years have come together and gotten to know each other better, spreading the sense of community Eagan said she’s always wanted to see.

“The neighborliness is perfect,” said Eagan, adding this was her favorite part of seeing everything come together. “It’s more than I could have hoped for.”  

The awardees were publicly announced at an invitation-only kickoff dinner Thursday evening at the River Vista Center to launchFBB’s first renovation process. All work must be completed before Oct. 31.

The blocks that received funding have been separated into zones, with multiple blocks in each zone, and leaders in charge of managing each block.

The leaders whose blocks have been selected for funding are, in zone one: Stephen Cappelletti, Jennifer Scaringi and Dennis Merlino — who acts as the block leader for two separate blocks; zone two: Sandi McIntyre and Penny Halstead; and zone three: Audrey Avery, Sharlie Drake-Garcia, Deanna Michaels, Dennise Clark, Cheryl Baldwin, Dan Ritchie and Michelle Trepasso.

Zone four’s chosen block leaders are Sarah Sunday, Marty Gillard, Marion Ciciarelli and Delinda LaRock; zone five: Kathy Fitzpatrick, Heather Crofoot and Jean Ballard and Sharon Buske (the latter duo shares a role as block leader); and zone six: Michelle Narad and Pat Marino.  

Block awards range from $2,477.50 to $12,200, according to Eagan.

A staple of this program is a group of six target areas, not to be confused with the above zones, set in each of the city’s six wards. Although living in one of these target areas makes one’s application more competitive, it doesn’t guarantee funding, nor do residents need to live in a target area in order to apply.

Of the six target areas, blocks in the first five of them received funding, and two blocks near the sixth target area received money, as well.

At the kickoff dinner, awardees received a letter noting how much they received and which hardware stores, garden centers and other businesses to go to for discounts. So far, some local businesses FBB has arrangements with include Northern ACE Home Center, Ontario Orchards, and Burke’s Home Center.

“We’ve been pleasantly surprised every step of the way with this whole process,” said Eagan, who said she had initially expected everything to take more time.

She said she sent a message to block leaders, congratulating them and wishing them well.

“They are true leaders in the community,” said Eagan. “We look forward to the trends they will set.”

She said Fulton Block Builders is as much about making Fulton beautiful again as it is about creating a sense of community and pride.

“Never underestimate Fulton,” said Eagan, when asked what this experience has taught her. “They’ll surprise you at every turn.”

Fulton Block Builders Visits Fulton Lion's Club

FULTON, NY – Linda Eagan, administrative director, Fulton Block Builders, made a presentation at at the Fulton Lions club’s April meeting. Eagan outlined the grassroots neighborhood revitalization program, which has exceeded its first year fundraising goals and received more than 200 pre-applications for participation. Approved neighborhood groups receive reimbursement of up to $1,000 for renovations to their homes.


Joining her is Fulton Lions President Dave Guyer. The Fulton Lions Club, also known for their Lions Loot Sweepstakes, (April 30), Lions Mane Event Comedy Night, and annual Duck Derby, provides financial assistance for those in need of eyeglasses, eye exams, and hearing aids to residents in the Greater Fulton area. For more information, visit www.fultonlionsclub.com, or find them on Facebook under Fulton, NY Lions.

Fulton Block Builders Complete Fundraising Match for $100,000 Grant

FULTON, NY – “We did it, Fulton!”

“Local businesses have taken the Fulton Block Builders over their fundraising goal! Kenwell Corporation, Mimi’s Diner, Eastern Shore Associates, Patterson Warehousing, and Bellinger Auto Sales & Service have all donated to the Fulton Block Builders, collectively putting FBB over our goal,” said Linda Eagan, FBB Administrative Director.

Realizing the goal meant matching a $100,000 commitment from the Richard S. Shineman Foundation to jump start the grassroots organization in its first year.

“It’s just wonderful,” said Fulton Mayor, Ronald Woodward Sr. “Fulton Block Builders is one of so many amazing volunteer groups in our city that are working to raise the quality of life for the people of Fulton. Kudos to Linda Eagan for her efforts, it’s very appreciated.”

The Fulton Block Builders, led by Linda Eagan, is a volunteer group that has worked tirelessly to spread the message of neighborhood revitalization, pride and togetherness.

Based on the Healthy Neighbors Initiative, the program will allow groups of property owners in neighborhoods throughout the city of Fulton to invest in exterior home improvements with the opportunity to recover a portion of their expense.

Participating residents can spend up to $1,000 to receive a dollar-for-dollar match for such improvements as painting, porch repair, mailboxes, exterior lighting, landscaping, sidewalk repair, and much more.

Although the fundraising goal is complete, donations are still encouraged and accepted as more money raised means more residents are able to participate.

To qualify, 50% of neighbors on one block consisting of homeowners and tenants alike with the property owners consent, must agree to submit a pre-application.

Target areas, predetermined neighborhoods within the city that are believed to see great benefit with some exterior improvements, will be given special consideration although any neighborhood within the city is encouraged to apply. Target areas have been announced and can be found on the FBB website.

Due to a very successful fundraising campaign and adverse weather in the month of March that may have made it difficult to consult with neighbors, the deadline to submit pre-applications has been extended until Friday, April 14.

Once pre-applications are submitted, FBB volunteer members will visit each applicant’s block to better establish a proposal moving forward to submit a final application.

Final applications are due May 1 and the chosen applications will be awarded by May 15.

Participants then have until October 31 to complete their intended improvement projects.

To help during the process, FBB has paired with local hardware stores and garden centers to offer discounts to participants.

Additional bonuses are available for houses on corner lots as well as participants that utilize a historic based paint palette designed by architectural historian and Fulton native, Susan Arena.

To further promote community togetherness, part of the application process includes planning an event, such as a block party, with the participating neighbors to celebrate the completed work.

Mayor Woodward noted that all of the city’s aldermen have been working hard in each of the six wards to ensure all residents are aware of the opportunity and many have spoken with interested homeowners.

“I think it’s one of the best programs the city of Fulton has had in a long time,” first ward alderman, Tom Kenyon said during a recent council meeting. “I don’t know how anybody on the blocks can pass that up. It’s going to make the city look real nice,” he said.

The word is spreading and as a result, so is the excitement.

“I always believed that the Healthy Neighborhood Initiative was going to work in Fulton, but the community has surpassed my expectations in so many ways. I am inspired each and every day by phone calls, e-mails and donations from people excited to see the Fulton Block Builder program get started. Support has come from the city limits and beyond. It seems the greater Fulton community was ready for a program like this to get started and have success. There is a lot of energy in Fulton and people are ready and willing to share it. If you listen very quietly, you will hear it…the buzz of excited people,” Linda Eagan said.

Pre-Applications are Being Extended To Friday April 14, 2017.

Fulton Block Builders fundraising has been so successful that the deadline for Pre-Applications is being extended to, Friday April 14, 2017, to accommodate more Blocks wishing to participate.

The Fulton Block Builders (FBB) made the determination to extend the due date for the Pre-Applications to Friday April 14th. We have decided to do this for two reasons. First and foremost, this is because of the enormously successful Fundraising Campaign. Since the money is available, the FBB Committees would like to see as many blocks as possible participating. The second reason for the extension is because March gave us two weekends of adverse weather that made it difficult for people to get out and talk to their neighbors.

Even though the deadline is being extended we are STRONGLY encouraging blocks to turn in their Pre-Applications as soon as possible so that the Ambassadors can begin helping each Block with their Final Application.

City residents who would like to participate in the program need to form a neighborhood group with a minimum of 50% of the property owners in their vicinity. The group can include homeowners or landlords. Once formed, just sign the simple pre-application form and submit it as a group. The matching grant funding will cover expenses for exterior property improvements to groups of homeowners in a single block, throughout the city of Fulton. Aside from matching grant funding, participating homeowners have access to discounts by using the historical paint colors and from sponsoring hardware & garden centers.

Each participating property owner in a Challenge Block is eligible to receive a dollar-for-dollar match on exterior improvements (visible from the street), up to $1,000. If $500 is spent, a $250 match will be made. If $2,000 or more is spent the match will be $1,000. (minus taxes). There is no “catch”, there is no income requirement, there is no payback! Each block simply needs to organize, sign you name to a pre-application, talk and plan with your neighbors and get ready to start making improvements this spring and summer. All work must be completed by October 31, 2017 to qualify for the matching funds.

IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2017 Fulton Block Builders:

  • Friday April 14 – Pre-applications are due

  • Monday May 1 – Final applications are due

  • By Monday May 15th – FBB grant awardees announced 

Fulton Block Builders – Reminds Residents to Complete Pre- Applications for the 2017 Block Challenge by April 1st.

March is already half over and the Fulton Block Builders (FBB) are encouraging neighbors to get-together and complete the pre-application for the 2017 Block Challenge, a program that offers matching funds to each participating home owner up to $1,000 (dollar-for-dollar match) to put towards exterior home improvements. The program encourages and rewards neighborhood groups to work together to reinvest in their own communities. Pre-Applications must be submitted by April 1, 2017.

City residents who would like to participate in the program need to form a neighborhood group with 50% of the property owners on their block. The group can include homeowners or landlords. Once a cluster has formed, the pre-application process begins. The matching grant funding will cover expenses are for exterior property improvements to groups of homeowners on a single block - in targeted neighborhoods - throughout the city of Fulton. Aside from matching grant funding, participating homeowners have access to discounts from sponsoring hardware stores and garden centers. There are also additional bonuses for corner properties and using the Historical Colors found on the Paint Fulton tab of the Website.

Applicants must enlist their neighbors on the same street/block to participate and fill out a simple Pre-Application Form. Blocks can be made up of both sides of one street or of the homes within 4 streets. FBB Representatives are available to help applicants through the process. Pre-applications are available on the FBB website: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/apply/ or call Linda Eagan at 315-529-9181.

Fundraising for the 2017 Grant Applications has been quite successful so we encourage any neighborhood in the city to organize and submit the pre-application by April 1st. Grants are available to owner occupied homes as well as rentals.

IMPORTANT DATES REGARDING 2017 Fulton Block Builders:

  • Wednesday, March 1 – Pre-application will be available

  • Wednesday, March 1 – Target Areas are announced

  • Saturday April 1 – Pre-applications are due

  • Monday May 1 – Final applications are due

  • By Monday May 15th – FBB grant awardees announced 

Pre-applications for the 2017 program can be found here: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/apply/

Fulton Block Builders Has Been Receiving Strong Support From Within The Fulton City Limits

Dennis Goss

Fulton Block Builders has been receiving strong support from within the Fulton city limits. But for the first time, business support has come from outside of the city with a donation from Sweet-Woods Memorial Co. in Phoenix.

“Dennis Goss, owner/operator of Sweet-Woods Memorial Co. in Phoenix is shown here presenting Linda Eagan with a check for the Fulton Block Builder project. “I’ve been watching Linda build momentum for this grass roots revitalization project for the past year and believe strongly in the benefits this can bring to the Fulton community. I just felt like I had to get involved!” Goss said.

“March 1st the eligible blocks for the Block Challenge grant program will be announced” Eagan said. “Fulton Block Builders has received a matching $100,000.00 grant, for 2017, from the Shineman Foundation. The match is nearly 2/3rds complete thanks to individuals and companies from now…both inside and outside the Fulton city limits. Support has been fantastic; please check out the website to learn more about this great project and how to lend your support.”

Since 1932, Sweet-Woods Memorial Co. has provided thousands of families all over Central New York with premium quality memorials, bronze plaques, and mausoleums.  With locations in Phoenix, Brewerton and Camillus, the business was founded with one philosophy in mind: to provide the best quality material and craftsmanship available, at a reasonable price.

Meet Susan Arena - Press Release

Susan Arena Fulton Block Builders

The Fulton Block Builders are following the Healthy Neighborhood Community Revitalization Initiative. To achieve this, it is crucial that home improvement projects maintain the architectural character of the structure, neighborhood character, and historic character to ensure that investment adds value. 

To accomplish this, Fulton Block Builders is working with an Architectural Historian, Susan Arena, who grew up in Fulton but now resides and works in the greater Boston area. Susan went to Volney Elementary, Fulton Junior High and G. Ray Bodley until she graduated in 1999. During those years Susan was active in swimming, soccer, community outreach through a variety of clubs, her church, and with her friends and family. Susan is a steadfast friend and will quickly tell you that her best friends are also her family members. 

Following high school Susan attended Hobart and William Smith Colleges where she continued her community engagement and graduated with her Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Studies. She then went on to achieve a Master’s Degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Vermont.

Today Susan is an Architectural Historian and meets the Secretary of the Interior's professional qualification standards, in the areas of Architectural History and Historic Preservation. She has nearly a decade of related work experience, which has included completing National Register nominations, historic building assessments and surveys, and leading educational and outreach initiatives. Susan has just taken a new position as the Preservation Planner for the City of Worcester, Massachusetts.  

It is Susan’s love of history, her hometown and her keen sense of community that has led her to volunteer to put together historical paint palettes for homeowners in the city of Fulton to refer to. Residents will be incentivized to use the identified palettes by offering a bonus to residents that select from colors laid out in each palette.
Please join the Fulton Block Builders in extending our deepest gratitude to Susan Arena for her selfless donation to this exciting new project.