Burkes Home Center, Northern Ace Home Center, Lakeside Roofing and Siding, Waldron’s Furniture, CNY Roof Cleaning, Premier Landscaping, JCH Seamless Gutters and Erie Materials are stepping up to support the Fulton Block Builder (FBB) program with discounts on much needed supplies to complete home improvement projects.

“The 2022 Block Challenge applications have been completed and awards announced in May. The quality of applications for 2022 was the best that the FBB independent scoring committee has seen,” said Linda Eagan, FBB Director. “I think this is testimony to the seriousness our residents are about bringing back the PRIDE in our community. Each year more businesses offer discounts to FBB participants and each year they make a point of shopping local. This is a recipe for success on all levels. FBB is so grateful to the participating businesses and our residents for their support.”

If your business is interested in providing discounts to participants, please e-mail FBB at fultonblockbuilders@gmail.com

Ray Forsythe of Burkes DO IT BEST Home Center announces discounts for Fulton Block Builder participants.

Fulton Block Builders announce two-hundred 2022 Awards

Fulton Block Builders (FBB) notified 200 property owners in 23 distinct Blocks of their 2022 Awards. “This is truly another milestone for the FBB and the entire community of Fulton. FBB started in 2017 and to date, 1235 awards have been made. What’s more is that there has been a 3-million-dollar investment by residents in their properties. I’m sure we’ll see more exciting work this year” said Linda Eagan, FBB Director.

This is Patty Tyrell’s second year as a Block Leader. Not only did her group complete beautiful work on their properties, but they also cleaned up an abandoned property and took on maintenance of the “Welcome to Fulton” sign near them. All 2022 awardees have received their yard signs and Patty had some special help delivering them by Eloise Tyrell and Kiari Perkins. “The girls love to help any chance they get” said Tyrell.

The Fulton Block Builder project is dedicated to revitalizing our neighborhoods one block at a time. The core feature of this approach is to build on strengths rather than just fix weaknesses. Property owners working together in one block builds community and generates confidence.  Pride is what comes through when mailboxes and house numbers shine, when lawns are mowed, snow is shoveled, and leaves are raked. Pride comes through in washed windows, fresh coats of paint, holiday lighting and landscaped yards. Pride is the name of the game. It is the essence of stability which in turn is the backbone of good schools, a strong tax base, a vibrant civic and cultural life, and a thriving downtown.

Now that the awards have been made for 2022, ANY Block in the city can begin organizing for 2023. There are Target Zones but that is a starting point ALL Blocks in the city can apply for a Block Grant and FBB Ambassadors are ready to help. Call (315) 529-9181 to learn HOW or find more information at: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/ or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pg/fultonblockbuilders/posts/?ref=page_internal

Fulton Block Leader Patty Tyrell has received some big help from two of our younger residents, Eloise Tyrell and Kiari Perkins

The Richard S. Shineman Foundation awards Fulton Block Builders a matching $125,000 grant for its 2022 Block Challenge program

The Richard S. Shineman Foundation’s vision is to act as a “catalyst for change” to enhance the quality of life in Oswego County. Executive Director, Karen Goetz shared that the foundation’s board members are very encouraged by the increasing and unprecedented collaborations they see happening among groups like the Fulton Block Builders (FBB), in our community. “Fulton Block Builders has continued to exceed expectations for its very successful Healthy Neighborhoods revitalization program and our foundation is proud to continue its support of FBB by awarding another $125,000 for its 2022 Block Challenge program. This brings the Shineman investment in FBB to $741,000 since FBBs beginning in 2017” she said.


The $125,000 award is a matching grant paid following a successful FBB fundraising campaign. Thanks to the generosity of local businesses, civic groups, and individuals, FBB raised nearly $75,000. “From the moment we started the Fulton Block Builder program, I have been amazed at the support and care there is for the Fulton community. Pride is here. We just needed a way to put a voice to those feelings. Raising $75,000 in our small community is a testament to that pride,” said Eagan, FBB Director.


“The 2022 applications have been submitted and I am thrilled to announce 200 homes in 23 Blocks have been awarded $195,000 in FBB Block Challenge and Paint Fulton Grants. Thirteen rental properties are participating, six homes will be using the historical colors and several businesses have been granted awards. The FBB scoring committee commends all who applied. The applications were very competitive and complete. Better narratives than in the past, great “before” pictures and maps made it easy to clearly see clustering. Overall, there were more comments about FBB's successes and more neighborhood empowerment! CONGRATULATIONS ALL.”


If any resident is interested in applying for a grant in the future, Eagan suggests they talk with anyone who has a sign displayed in their yard or contact her directly at fultonblockbuilders@gmail.com.

Karen Goetz, Shineman Foundation Executive Director with Board Member, Margaret Barclay, present Linda Eagan, Fulton Block Builder Administrative Director, with the grant award check.

Fulton Block Builders and the City of Fulton Parks & Recreation Host Plant Swap on May 21, 2022

Fulton Block Builders (FBB) will host an outdoor Plant Swap in conjunction with Fulton Parks and Rec. On Saturday, May 21, from 10am until noon, at Bullhead Point in Fulton, gardeners are invited to bring labeled plants and take-home new plants. Here is how you can be involved:

1.    While you are working in your yards and cleaning out your flower beds, take some time to divide your plants and make room for new varieties.

2.    Put your extra plants in disposable containers and/or bags.

3.    Mark the plant with its common name.

4.    Indicate if it is a shade or sun lover.

5.    If possible, add a picture of what it looks like blooming.

6.    Remember to look for any parasites - we want to be sure we don’t share these!

“Fulton Block Builders is all about creating a thriving community for all who live, visit and work in Fulton,” said Linda Eagan, FBB Director, “and beautifying our yards is a great way to demonstrate your Fulton PRIDE. This plant swap provides free opportunities to make our gardens green again, promote neighborly relationships and build community. Together, we are truly Reshaping Fulton One Block at a Time!”

 For more information about the Plant Swap, visit Fulton Block Builders’ Facebook page at: (20+) Fulton Block Builders | Facebook 

Or the city’s website at:

(20+) City of Fulton - Parks & Recreation | Facebook

Reyne Pierce and Chris Weaver discuss plants at the 2021 Fulton Plant Swap

Fulton Block Builders preserve green space, architectural value

By Lexie Kwiek lexie@fultonvalleynews.com

The grassroots neighborhood revitalization program that completed 126 exterior home improvement projects in 2017 is back for a second year, and has already started engaging new stakeholders throughout the city of Fulton.

After a successful initial year of community building and property beautification, the Fulton Block Builders (FBB) wanted to find a way to share information about the Block Challenge program with more city residents, said FBB Administrative Director Linda Eagan. Participants from last year’s program suggested hosting an informational meeting, which Eagan and FBB volunteers facilitated on Jan. 17 at the River Vista Conference Center.

“We had seen with many nighttime meetings that life can often get in the way and they aren’t really well attended,” said Eagan. The FBB meeting proved to be an exception, with more than 80 individuals present to learn more about the Block Challenge program.

“We were not familiar with most of the people that attended,” said Eagan. “It really brought in some new interest.”

As part of the presentation, Eagan gave guests an overview of FBB and the Block Challenge in particular, which provides property owners with a dollar-for-dollar match of up to $1,000 for exterior home improvements. The unique feature of the program is homeowners must participate together in order to receive funding. At least 50 percent of the houses in a block or cluster must commit to completing exterior repairs in order to be eligible for the funding.

Eagan said while the Block Challenge’s first year was a success, there are still many people with questions about how the program works. One of the most frequently asked questions she receives is about program funding.

“People think we’re a government program, but we’re not,” said Eagan. She said FBB is a grassroots, neighborhood beautification program that relies on donations to operate.

One of the project’s biggest donors is the Shineman Foundation, which has offered FBB a second matching grant of up to $100,000 to support projects in 2018. The grant doubles any donations made by businesses or individuals, offering $2 for every $1 raised. In order to maximize the Shineman funding, FBB must raise at least $50,000 by the end of April, said Eagan.

“We’re at 85 percent of our goal,” said Eagan. “We’re out there every day actively recruiting both businesses and individuals to support the program.”

This active recruitment strategy also allows Eagan and fellow block builders to answer one of the other major questions people still ask, which is, “What types of repairs does the Block Challenge fund?”

“It’s all street appeal,” said Eagan, explaining the Block Challenge funds can only go toward exterior repairs and beautification efforts.

Eagan said popular projects in 2017 included landscaping, rebuilding front steps, and replacing sidewalks, windows and doors. While the list of potential projects is extensive, Eagan said there are a few items FBB does not fund.

“We don’t support the removal of green spaces,” said Eagan. “Green is good for a city.”

She said an example of a project that would not receive FBB support could be if someone owned a property with multiple residences and realized there was not enough off-street parking for all of their tenants. Eagan said FBB would not provide funds for the property owner to expand the driveway over their grass and lawn.

Along with preserving green space, FBB also looks to keep the original charm of Fulton houses intact.

“We look to preserve the architecture and character of properties in the city,” said Eagan. “We want to keep the architectural value of the homes.”

Eagan said an example of a project that would not receive support would be if a homeowner wanted to remove hand-carved knoll posts from their front entrance and replace them with two-by-four boards. She said FBB also looks to preserve original wooden siding rather than remove and replace it with vinyl.

“We would rather repair and repaint clapboard than take it down and replace it with vinyl siding,” said Eagan. “But we will support the upkeep of vinyl siding that is already on a house.”

To help with exterior painting, Eagan recommends homeowners take advantage of the Paint Fulton program. According to the FBB website, “Paint Fulton provides City of Fulton residents with a selection of historic color schemes to use for painting their homes.”

In 2018, ANYONE in the city can receive a $500 reimbursement if they utilize the Historical Colors. 

“A person anywhere in the city can apply, whether they are part of the Block Challenge or not,” said Eagan. “Last year we had four people participate in using the historical colors. We would like to see that number grow.”

For more information on applying for Paint Fulton or Block Challenge funding, visit www.fultonblockbuilders.com.

Eagan reminds all property owners interested in the Block Challenge to complete their pre-application before the March 16 deadline. Once they have recruited at least half of the neighbors living on their block or in their cluster and submitted the initial application, representatives from FBB will meet with applicants to explain the fine details of the program and help create a strong application to be submitted before April 18.

The Eggletons stand in front of improvements they made with support from the 2017 Fulton Block Builders Block Challenge. They used the matching grant program to update windows and add new landscaping to their front lawn. The deadline for pre-applica…

The Eggletons stand in front of improvements they made with support from the 2017 Fulton Block Builders Block Challenge. They used the matching grant program to update windows and add new landscaping to their front lawn. The deadline for pre-applications for the 2018 Block Challenge is March 16. For more information visit www.fultonblockbuilders.com.

The Fulton Block Builders Are Increasing The City’s Curb Appeal And Bringing A New Sense Of Community

Neighbors are so glad to see the DeMar’s on their front steps for the first time in years. The steps were no longer safe for the couple to use because they were steep, narrow and had no railings. Earlier this spring, when block leaders, Heather Crofoot and Alissa Viscome approached the DeMar’s about becoming part of the Fulton Block Builders, they immediately thought about those steps. John and Florine DeMar had their home built 60 years ago, and have since raised their 4 wonderful children in it.

DeMar 913 Utica 10.JPG
DeMar After 10.JPG

Due to their longevity in the neighborhood, they know most of their neighbors and are thrilled to be able to once again sit on their front steps and chat with them. “It’s a good neighborhood, people are happy here. When they move they long to come back” said Mr. DeMar. Another aspect that they enjoy about the new steps is the ability to see all the beautiful landscaping and flowers their daughter, Claudette has put in. She is the longtime local business owner of Claudette’s Flowers and Gifts at 122 Academy Street. Helping her parents and working with plants are two of her passions.

The Fulton Block Builders Are Having a Positive Impact Locally That is Being Noticed By Neighboring Communities

As Blocks are gathering around the city and home improvements continue, Fulton is being noticed by other communities.

In July, the Mayor of the Village of East Syracuse, Bob Tackman and the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce President, Jodie Perry located in Mansfield Ohio - contacted Linda Eagan, and asked how the Block Builders got started and if more information could be shared. Of course, Linda was more than happy to do that. After all, Paul Stewart, Executive Director of the Oswego Renaissance Association and the Executive Director of the Shineman Foundation, Karen Goetz have shared plenty of information with the Fulton Block Builders (FBB). Without their advice and guidance Linda doesn’t think that FBB would have even been born.

Fulton Block Builder volunteers Heather Crofoot, Dennis Merlino and Linda Eagan, with the Village of East Syracuse Mayor, Bob Tackman

Fulton Block Builder volunteers Heather Crofoot, Dennis Merlino and Linda Eagan, with the Village of East Syracuse Mayor, Bob Tackman

Thursday August 3rd, Block Builder volunteers Heather Crofoot, Dennis & Kelly Merlino and Linda Eagan, met with the Village of East Syracuse Mayor, Bob Tackman and Clerk, Pat Derby. It seems that Pat is friends with a former resident of Fulton and they sent her a link to the Fulton Block Builder website https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/info/ with a message to check out what Fulton is doing! Pat did and shared it with the Mayor.

Bob and Pat came to the August meeting eager to learn what the Block Builder project was all about and ended up talking with the volunteers for about an hour and a half. “We are proud of what is happening in Fulton and all of the volunteer’s love sharing our story every chance we get” commented Eagan. Dennis Merlino said that the Fulton Block Builder project is giving people the opportunity to see how we can improve our community and enabling enthusiasm and action for positive change. Heather zoned in on the increased sense of community that can be felt in the participating blocks and beyond. The Block Builders offered to meet again or share more in the future and the Mayor “tagged” FBB on Facebook before the volunteers arrived home!

Jodie Perry from the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce has been following FBB on Facebook since its launch in January and has been intrigued with the progress the City of Fulton residents have made in such a short time. Linda Eagan shared information about the Healthy Neighborhood Initiative and gave Jodi links to Charles Buki at CZB LLC for more information on how to rank a city and possibly hire that firm to develop a plan for their communities. “I don’t know if either community will start a program like ours, but if they do, I hope both have the same success we are feeling and seeing in Fulton” said Eagan.

The Work is Starting and Fulton Block Builders are Happily Writing Checks to Residents

Audrey and Chuck Avery just finished repairing their side porch and replacing the rotted floor. “Chuck and I have to say that the experience with the Fulton Block Builders was awesome.  We were so pleased with Heather, Alyssa, Penny and Linda. We were glad we could obtain the funding for our side porch, which was in desperate need of replacement. All our neighbors who are participating feel the same way about this wonderful organization. We thank FBB so much and look forward to working with them in the future. “said Audrey.

Ed Kasperek is another homeowner that recently completed his renovations. A recap of his improvements includes; resealed the driveway, stained the whole house, put up new gutters where needed, new shutters, new flowers-hanging plants and perennials, new pots, new screens on 2 front bedroom windows, caulking around garage door-found big open gaps between siding and molding saving on rotting door frames.    “I really enjoyed working with Linda and Dennis of FBB to get my home back in shape. I also would like to say thanks to FBB for helping my neighbors with their projects. I have talked to some neighbors that missed out this year and will apply next year.” remarked Ed.

The FBB Block Challenge is well under way for 2017, with 22 different neighborhoods committed to make exterior improvements and revitalize their properties.  Each awarded property owner in a Challenge Block will receive a dollar-for-dollar match on exterior improvements (approved in the application), up to $1,000. If $500 is spent, a $250 match will be made. If $2,000 or more is spent the match will be $1,000. (minus taxes).