Fulton Block Builders Working with 56 Landlords to Improve Their Rental Properties

Each year since the Fulton Block Builder (FBB) program began in 2017, landlords have been encouraged to participate in the blocks that organize. “FBB feels strongly that tenants and landlords are important aspects of a healthy city and therefore encourages landlords to participate and tenants to join the celebratory events,” said Linda Eagan, FBB Director. “A good landlord not only makes sure their property is clean, tidy and well presented, but is quick to repair and maintain anything that goes wrong. Having the sense that you are a valued part of the community is more likely to make one a good tenant.”

Fulton Block Builders is built on the theories and practices outlined in Healthy Neighborhoods by Donald Boehlke. Boehlke states “Neighborhoods can’t thrive unless houses retain or increase their value and unless enough residents are committed to maintaining their homes and overseeing their communities.” Here in the city of Fulton, landlords like Dean Distin are doing just that. In 2022, twelve landlords are making improvements to their rental properties. Improvements like new porches and entries as Distin has done. Other upgrades this year include painting, landscaping, house washing, new windows, roof cleaning/repair and improved doors and walkways.

ANY Block in the city can begin organizing for 2023 and apply for a Block Challenge Grant. Call (315) 529-9181 to learn HOW or find more information at: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/ or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/fultonblockbuilders/

Dean Distin improved his rental property with the help of the Fulton Block Builder program.

Fulton Block Builder Block Celebrations Begin

As part of the Fulton Block Builder program, participating homeowners are asked to work together, share resources, and plan a celebratory event in addition to the exterior improvements they make on their homes. Michelle Narad is the Block leader for a very active group near Lanigan School and they recently had a celebration dinner at the home of Tom and Sue Brown. The occasion also gave the group an opportunity to support local businesses, including food from Mimi’s, Mama Gina’s and Kathy’s Cakes. The group agreed that everything was delicious.

This neighborhood group also held a garage sale at Lanigan School in July, raising $1,100 to purchase picnic tables for the students and teachers. “The teachers expressed an interest in holding class sessions outside in the good weather but would have to sit on the ground, which was not inclusive for all students” said Narad. “Picnic tables seemed like a natural solution, so we got on it. What’s more, when Councilor Ethan Parkhurst heard what our Block was doing, he volunteered his time to paint and seal the tables. The result is beautiful.”

With efforts such as this, the seeds for reclaiming Fulton have been planted and now they are blooming. The community involvement that is brought about through Fulton Block Builders positively weaves the economic, cultural, civic, and societal fabric of our community. The volunteer staff and leaders of Fulton Block Builders couldn’t have asked for a stronger support from everyone in the area.

Tom and Sue Brown host the Block party to celebrate the great work their neighborhood has completed.

Fulton Block Builders partners with Fulton Porchfest through a Pride Grant

Fulton Block Builders will once again partner with Fulton Porchfest and Fulton Chalkfest, helping to present Downbeat Percussion, and purchase much needed supplies for the event, like chalk! Both events will take place simultaneously in and around Voorhees Park on July 10, 2022 from Noon to 5.

Porchfest is a grassroots community music festival where front porches become stages, yards become venues and generosity and good will rule the day. Rain or shine, attendees will see musical performances, free of charge. All are urged to bring your own chair to take with you as you move from porch to porch. Food and water will be offered for purchase.

“We want this to be a fun day for all ages” said organizer Tonya Crisafulli. “Chalk will be available throughout the Porchfest venue, and all are encouraged to be creative. Downbeat Percussion will lead everyone in a drum circle for the Porchfest finale. Buckets and drumstick will be on hand, and attendees are encouraged to bring their own drums, bongos, and tambourines to join in the fun.”

If you’d like to learn more visit:

Fulton Porchfest: www.fultonporchfest.com

Fulton Porchfest drum circle was great fun in 2021 and will be again in 2022

Penny Halstead’s Block Receives a Fulton Block Builder Pride Grant to Assist the Fulton American Legion

Penny Halstead is a 2022 Fulton Block Builder (FBB) Block Leader and was moved when she heard about the work that the Fulton American Legion was looking to complete. Her Block applied for an FBB Pride Grant to help pay for the exterior improvements being made on the building at Holly Drive and Oneida Street. “My dad was an Army veteran who passed away a few months ago. It would have made him proud to know that I was involved in a project like this. Peter Allen and all the volunteers have done an amazing job. I’m happy that we could help support the American Legion with this pride grant,” said Halstead.

“The members of the Fulton American Legion have noticed all of the positive changes happening in Fulton, thanks to the Fulton Block Builder program and we wanted to be part of the transformation,” said Peter Allen, Fulton Veteran of the year. “Fulton Legion members do so much for our community, and we are proud to be able to give back to those who have done so much. Legion members selflessly serve day in and day out by supporting local events, educating children in our schools, honoring veterans in our community, placing flags in local cemeteries, and providing honor guards for funerals.”

The American Legion Post is located at 873 Oneida St in Fulton. The project work is well underway and includes paving and improving the parking lot, installing a new walkway, providing landscaping to beautify the area and prevent foundational erosion of the building, and other outdoor items such as paint, fixtures, seasonal items, etc. to improve the appearance of the property. Last week nearly a dozen Fulton Block Builder volunteers helped the Legion complete the first phase of the project, and the public is encouraged stop by and view the new landscaping and other improvements.

“The Fulton Block Builders Program is so important to Fulton’s revitalization efforts, and we are grateful to have this program in our community. We want to express our heartfelt thanks to Penny Halstead and Fulton Block Builders for their support of the Legion improvement project” said Post Commander, Larry Macner.

“We are a community that works together” said one of the many volunteers working on the Fulton American Legion facelift


Burkes Home Center, Northern Ace Home Center, Lakeside Roofing and Siding, Waldron’s Furniture, CNY Roof Cleaning, Premier Landscaping, JCH Seamless Gutters and Erie Materials are stepping up to support the Fulton Block Builder (FBB) program with discounts on much needed supplies to complete home improvement projects.

“The 2022 Block Challenge applications have been completed and awards announced in May. The quality of applications for 2022 was the best that the FBB independent scoring committee has seen,” said Linda Eagan, FBB Director. “I think this is testimony to the seriousness our residents are about bringing back the PRIDE in our community. Each year more businesses offer discounts to FBB participants and each year they make a point of shopping local. This is a recipe for success on all levels. FBB is so grateful to the participating businesses and our residents for their support.”

If your business is interested in providing discounts to participants, please e-mail FBB at fultonblockbuilders@gmail.com

Ray Forsythe of Burkes DO IT BEST Home Center announces discounts for Fulton Block Builder participants.

Fulton Block Builders announce two-hundred 2022 Awards

Fulton Block Builders (FBB) notified 200 property owners in 23 distinct Blocks of their 2022 Awards. “This is truly another milestone for the FBB and the entire community of Fulton. FBB started in 2017 and to date, 1235 awards have been made. What’s more is that there has been a 3-million-dollar investment by residents in their properties. I’m sure we’ll see more exciting work this year” said Linda Eagan, FBB Director.

This is Patty Tyrell’s second year as a Block Leader. Not only did her group complete beautiful work on their properties, but they also cleaned up an abandoned property and took on maintenance of the “Welcome to Fulton” sign near them. All 2022 awardees have received their yard signs and Patty had some special help delivering them by Eloise Tyrell and Kiari Perkins. “The girls love to help any chance they get” said Tyrell.

The Fulton Block Builder project is dedicated to revitalizing our neighborhoods one block at a time. The core feature of this approach is to build on strengths rather than just fix weaknesses. Property owners working together in one block builds community and generates confidence.  Pride is what comes through when mailboxes and house numbers shine, when lawns are mowed, snow is shoveled, and leaves are raked. Pride comes through in washed windows, fresh coats of paint, holiday lighting and landscaped yards. Pride is the name of the game. It is the essence of stability which in turn is the backbone of good schools, a strong tax base, a vibrant civic and cultural life, and a thriving downtown.

Now that the awards have been made for 2022, ANY Block in the city can begin organizing for 2023. There are Target Zones but that is a starting point ALL Blocks in the city can apply for a Block Grant and FBB Ambassadors are ready to help. Call (315) 529-9181 to learn HOW or find more information at: https://www.fultonblockbuilders.com/ or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pg/fultonblockbuilders/posts/?ref=page_internal

Fulton Block Leader Patty Tyrell has received some big help from two of our younger residents, Eloise Tyrell and Kiari Perkins

The Richard S. Shineman Foundation awards Fulton Block Builders a matching $125,000 grant for its 2022 Block Challenge program

The Richard S. Shineman Foundation’s vision is to act as a “catalyst for change” to enhance the quality of life in Oswego County. Executive Director, Karen Goetz shared that the foundation’s board members are very encouraged by the increasing and unprecedented collaborations they see happening among groups like the Fulton Block Builders (FBB), in our community. “Fulton Block Builders has continued to exceed expectations for its very successful Healthy Neighborhoods revitalization program and our foundation is proud to continue its support of FBB by awarding another $125,000 for its 2022 Block Challenge program. This brings the Shineman investment in FBB to $741,000 since FBBs beginning in 2017” she said.


The $125,000 award is a matching grant paid following a successful FBB fundraising campaign. Thanks to the generosity of local businesses, civic groups, and individuals, FBB raised nearly $75,000. “From the moment we started the Fulton Block Builder program, I have been amazed at the support and care there is for the Fulton community. Pride is here. We just needed a way to put a voice to those feelings. Raising $75,000 in our small community is a testament to that pride,” said Eagan, FBB Director.


“The 2022 applications have been submitted and I am thrilled to announce 200 homes in 23 Blocks have been awarded $195,000 in FBB Block Challenge and Paint Fulton Grants. Thirteen rental properties are participating, six homes will be using the historical colors and several businesses have been granted awards. The FBB scoring committee commends all who applied. The applications were very competitive and complete. Better narratives than in the past, great “before” pictures and maps made it easy to clearly see clustering. Overall, there were more comments about FBB's successes and more neighborhood empowerment! CONGRATULATIONS ALL.”


If any resident is interested in applying for a grant in the future, Eagan suggests they talk with anyone who has a sign displayed in their yard or contact her directly at fultonblockbuilders@gmail.com.

Karen Goetz, Shineman Foundation Executive Director with Board Member, Margaret Barclay, present Linda Eagan, Fulton Block Builder Administrative Director, with the grant award check.

Fulton Block Builders and the City of Fulton Parks & Recreation Host Plant Swap on May 21, 2022

Fulton Block Builders (FBB) will host an outdoor Plant Swap in conjunction with Fulton Parks and Rec. On Saturday, May 21, from 10am until noon, at Bullhead Point in Fulton, gardeners are invited to bring labeled plants and take-home new plants. Here is how you can be involved:

1.    While you are working in your yards and cleaning out your flower beds, take some time to divide your plants and make room for new varieties.

2.    Put your extra plants in disposable containers and/or bags.

3.    Mark the plant with its common name.

4.    Indicate if it is a shade or sun lover.

5.    If possible, add a picture of what it looks like blooming.

6.    Remember to look for any parasites - we want to be sure we don’t share these!

“Fulton Block Builders is all about creating a thriving community for all who live, visit and work in Fulton,” said Linda Eagan, FBB Director, “and beautifying our yards is a great way to demonstrate your Fulton PRIDE. This plant swap provides free opportunities to make our gardens green again, promote neighborly relationships and build community. Together, we are truly Reshaping Fulton One Block at a Time!”

 For more information about the Plant Swap, visit Fulton Block Builders’ Facebook page at: (20+) Fulton Block Builders | Facebook 

Or the city’s website at:

(20+) City of Fulton - Parks & Recreation | Facebook

Reyne Pierce and Chris Weaver discuss plants at the 2021 Fulton Plant Swap